Art Industry Anti-Harassment Network

This network is for women/POC/LGBTQ+ and other marginalized artists on twitter who are a part of the animation, comics, illustration, or related industries and who have experienced or are at risk for harassment and abuse based on any combination of their identities and fictional content they create. Industry artists who are allied against targeted harassment of their peers are also welcome to subscribe to help strengthen the network.

Please do not post about, tag, or link this network publicly, but feel free to share privately via DM or locked account with trusted peers.

What is ?
More information on their website. Essentially, an application used to share blocklists on twitter. By subscribing to a blocklist, it automatically updates your own blocklist with offending accounts.

How do you decide who gets blocked?
Click to see blocking criteria. We try to not block over "misunderstandings" or irritating tone-deaf discussions on a topic. Only people who are being aggressive, violent, bigoted, or spreading harmful misinformation.

How do I subscribe?
Contact @AIAHN_0 via DM for the link to subscribe. This network is designed for marginalized animation/comics/art industry professionals on twitter, and industry artists who want to stand against their peers being harassed by denying access to their own work. If you have been added, feel free to share the link privately with your own network. Do not post about or link this network publicly. That includes this page!

How can I report harassers?
Please DM @AIAHN_0 a link to any harassing tweets or threads containing harassing tweets. We will scrub through and add harassers to the list. Send a link to the harassment (or a screencap if its private), not just names. Please see criteria for harassing tweets. You blocking a harasser does not automatically add them to the list, please forward us their tweet to have us add them manually!

Can people be unblocked?
Yes. Blocktogether supports a "forgiveness" function; if we unblock an account it unblocks it for everyone. You can also manually unblock people on your own account without affecting the list. To appeal mistaken blocks, DM @AIAHN_0 and it will be looked into! If we don't have a receipt saved, the person will be unblocked.

How can I help?
Share the network with your peers! Report harassers of yourself or your peers if you are able! If the workload gets to be too high, we will also consider hiring more mods to help maintain the list. Please reach out if you'd be interested in helping mod in the future.

Examples of what you may be "guilty" of, and the reaction:
▷ Being part of a marginalized group, and receiving targeted bigoted comments about your identity.
▷ Drawing a marginalized person and receiving bigoted comments about your drawing.
▷ Supporting Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, #TimesUp, pro-choice, trans rights, body positivity, immigrant rights, sex worker rights, etc. and receiving targeted abusive comments on that subject.
▷ Saying "people should be able to draw what they want," being accused of supporting pedo/abuse/incest/etc.
▷ Saying "marginalized artists are targeted for purity policing at a disproportionate rate," being accused of supporting pedo/abuse/incest/etc.
▷ Drawing two character who are not related together, being accused of incest fetishism.
▷ Drawing a character who is taller or uglier than another character together, being accused of pedophilia.
▷ Drawing characters who have a contentious relationship together, being accused of abuse fetishism
▷ Drawing NSFW or suggestive content of adult characters, being accused of pedophilia.
▷ Drawing or consuming any type of content, and because of that being accused of something that is harmful and untrue.

Criteria for whether an account may be blocked:
[[cw for harsh language below in example tweets]]

▷ Doxxing, threatening, wishing harm, encouraging suicide, or using bigoted language against artists, either directly or vaguely.
ie "@ExampleArtist8 shut up bitch"
ie "I wish example artist would get hit by a truck"

▷ Directly harassing industry artists about fictional content they've made.
ie "I hope @ExampleArtist8 gets fired and their trash comic gets pulled @PublishingCompany @ExampleBoss2 @ExampleCoworker6"
ie "@ExampleArtist8 you suck"

▷ Falsely conflating an artist's work with supporting or engaging in disgusting behavior the artist does not condone and is not representing, especially in a way that purposefully divorces their statement from context in order to manufacture and redirect outrage about things that would be very real problems... if they were true.
ie "@ExampleArtist8 this drawing of 2 characters holding hands is child porn, you have to delete it and publicly admit you're a disgusting pig"
ie "watch out for ex/am/ple ar/tist, they condone child pornography and nazi rhetoric"

▷ Contributes to harassment indirectly via namedropping or referencing without tagging. Spreading false, harmful rumors. Referencing artists in a VERY aggressive, defamatory way.
ie "Example Artist is a fuckin bitch lmao"
ie "lmao @ the current e*ample discourse, I've been saying she's a disgusting freak for yeeaars"
ie "hope that EA8 gets fucking fired"
ie "tbh Ex//ample drawing ship art is just like John K. abusing underage girls, why dont people care??"
ie "@CartoonCompany3 have you fired that degenerate freak yet, not watching the show until you do"

▷ Sends aggressive, unproductive messages to company channels with a tone that causes worry that they might turn on the production team next.

▷ Follows an account made for the express purpose of spreading misinformation or organizing harassment campaigns against artists.

▷ Favs/RTs/otherwise supports direct harassment towards artists.


Not suitable to be added to the blocklist:
✗ People who you don't personally like, are annoying, or weird, but not aggressive or a risk for other industry artists. People who have been rude or combative to you about unrelated reasons. Please keep your personal grudges to yourself, especially for industry hopefuls. This network is NOT for blacklisting people who are just irritating. We recommend you block/mute for yourself.

✗ People who target industry abusers ie John K, John Lasseter, Chris Savino, etc. People who target child porn artists ie Shadbase. People who target bigoted artists ie Max Gilardi. People who target artists with complaints against inappropriate or bigoted behavior in non-fiction.
ie "Please read! @ExampleArtist4 has made inappropriate sexual comments towards minors, here's screenshot receipts:"

✗ People who target ONLY corporate accounts for the purpose of supporting diversity or speaking against bigoted or harmful content present in the media itself, even if they're rude about it.
ie "@CartoonCompany3 why the fuck did the lesbian couple get killed off after 5 minutes of screen time?"

✗ People who only reference "the drama" very generally and non-aggressively, even if its not true. Annoying but not targeted and easy to avoid.
ie "Its creepy to see industry artists putting problematic content in their likes."

✗ People who just can't read the room and try to earnestly have a discussion with artists or on their own platforms on a complex topic, or people who clearly don't know what's going on and are making statements on an issue that may be correlated with the harassment, but is probably them reacting to the topic people SAY an artist is doing, not what an artist is actually doing. People toward the end of the twitter telephone game.
ie "@ExampleArtist8 Fictional content absolutely affects and reflects reality, and drawing content that romanticizes child abuse can be used as a tool to groom victims even if the artist didn't intend it."
ie "Its really fucked up to draw nsfw of child characters."

✗ People who react negatively to an artist posting very clearly sensitive or nsfw content with no warning/tags, in easy reach of kids, etc.
ie "@ExampleArtist2 wtf... this is gross. can you please repost this with a cw tag for blood?"
ie "@ExampleArtist2 not sure this is an appropriate post for your main twitter my guy"

✗ People who are cruel about artists only in their own private spaces (ie locked accounts, discords, spaces you don't have access to) unless that discussion is designed to organize harassment and/or recruit. If you have to dig for it, spy, or extrapolate... stop doing that. Reach out to your friends or DM us if you're having extreme anxiety about being harassed and need to talk. It'll be okay!

This network does NOT support engaging with harassers. The blocklist is designed to help keep them out of sight and out of mind with minimal effort on your part. Instead of engaging and giving them your time and emotional labor, "fight back" by sending us their tweet, then take a deep breath & maybe a nap.

Please do not post about, tag, follow, or reference this network publicly, but feel free to share this carrd website privately with friends and people you think could benefit from it via DM, email, locked accounts, etc. Please keep in mind this network is designed for marginalized animation/comics/art industry artists who are at risk for or actively being targeted for harassment. But that being said, the network is stronger if more artists are subscribed to it, denying harassers the privilege of enjoying their artwork as a form of solidarity.

To join the network, please DM @AIAHN_0 !

This network was built to help ALL of us stay safer and be less stressed out about just being normal people online. If you have any suggestions for improvements, questions, problems, complaints, concerns, or any other kind of commentary, please don't hesitate to reach out via DM.

Using the blocklist as ANY type of target list or purposefully creating false reports will get you barred from subscription and potentially added to the blocklist.